Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter & everything.....

So onward into April we have trekked. And after such an auspicious beginning to the month, no less (see previous post). Now the real question is....have I thrown away all the cups in my car yet? The answer is......Heck NO!!! Hah! Actually, though, the trash level in the car is fast approaching critical mass. Time to send out the servants...I mean untrash it! Moving right along, the week before Easter was strangely on the peaceful side. It seemed this year that fate intervened to cause many of our outside commitments to take spring break the same week, so we had no theatre, no PE, no bible study, no AWANA, no High School coop classes, no Friday swimming class.....etc. It was kind of a nice break. I made an attempt to get the kids to get schoolwork done, but we *did* sleep in a few times. Enjoyed a nice lunch out with my dear friend Jeanette Johnson (her kids have shown up in numerous photos on this blog in the past). We went to Habit Burger and ate waaayyy too many (delicious, yummy) onion rings. We received a notice on our front door on Mon or Tues that our turn to get copper pipes installed in our apt. was coming up......"soon". We needed to make sure that everything was cleared out under sinks...blah blah blah..... Ok good. Put it in the back of my mind. We were leaving to go to the farm up in Reedly on Sat. and stay till Sun night. Friday night we got another notice saying that the pipe crew was invading bright and early Mon. morning. Grrr. and Yay!!!!. Somewhat mixed emotions. Nothing like finding out you have a ton of work to do and no time to do it in. We got packing and some cleaning out of the way Sat. morning before we left, however. We had a wonderful Easter weekend in Central CA. Spent Easter morning at Grace Baptist Church in Visalia, enjoying their musical. The weather was gorgeous the whole time we were there. And puppies galore were available for cuddling! One of the Flint dogs had a fling with a couple neighbor dogs, resulting in 8 of the cutest most roly poly puppies I personally have ever seen. Here are some pics of our weekend, and the puppies.....

You'll notice I mentioned Ben's favorite toy. He *loves* this wagon. Every time we go up there he has to drag out the wagon. This time it was full of nasty.....ew....I don't know whats, but he was determined to clean it out so he could play in it. He spent all Sunday afternoon giving the little girls rides around the farm (with puppies in laps). It was very cute. Also notice in the slideshow that Mark's mom and dad were able to make it down this year....a real blessing from the Lord. Mark's dad has had medical issues that have made it very difficult for them to travel much. We were thrilled to see them, and Mark's dad was in really good spirits! God is so good!

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