Sunday, June 7, 2009

After Easter

Oh my goodness!! The delinquent nature of my very own self frankly stuns me. I haven't written here since April! Yikes! My penance will have to be all the time it will take to catch this "thang" up. Phooey. It really is such a nice relatively quiet spot (can any "spot" in the context of utter hooliganism be quiet??)compared to the bustle of facebook. I'm having to look at i-photo to remember exactly what *have* I been doing anyway for the last 2 months??? Pathetic in the extreme.

So Easter happened. Obviously. Followed by such things as:

Making DNA models

Spending about 4 days with plumbers ripping my walls out to put in new copper piping -- HOORAY!!!!! (except for the part about the plumbers underfoot for 4 days......followed by the wall-fixers, and the painters). But in the end, NO MORE LEAKS! And *that* dear friends is the salient point.

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