Monday, January 5, 2009

HCTTGWN part 2!!! (scroll down for part 1)

We made it to Camp Pinewood! John's Mom and Dad (The Newmans senior) were already there with a fire started, and 2 more Newman families were expected later that evening, assuming they didn't get stuck in a snowdrift between Western OR and Idaho (they made it). John's sister and her husband literally could not figure a way to get out of their area (can't remember if they were in OR or N. CA), so weren't able to make it, but the other 2 clans put on the snow tires, somehow found open roads (there were lots of closed passes in the Cascades), and managed to get there. Kathy and I did a grocery store run for milk and breakfast food, and had the interesting experience of pushing a shopping cart through the snow. Which got us to wondering what people in Alaska do in the winter with shopping carts??? Do they even use them??? It was pretty funny, actually, watching Kathy plowing through the snowy parking lot. Ok, I *did* help pull the thing when I wasn't taking a picture of her. So, everyone arrived eventually. There were 21 of us. John's Mom and Dad (Jim and Ramona), John's brother Mark and his wife Shauna, and kids (big kids) Abe (goes to Corban College in OR), and Anna (12th grade), John's brother James and his wife Paula, their son Zach & his wife and baby (argh!......brain freeze on their names!!), and their other son Reuben. John & my sister Kathy & kids (Alex 16, Tabitha 13), and last but not least US, and my mom and dad (Don & Jan Carson). My folks have been good friends of the Newmans-senior for many years, and they're all a bunch of crazies like us hooligans, so it made for good (in the quirky/slightly demented sense) fellowship.

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