Sunday, November 14, 2010

Strange Hooligan Dreams....

So, After I went to bed Fri. night....I had one of those really strange dreams where you just feel obligated - in your dream of course - to wake yourself up and start over or you're doomed as doomed can be. I dreamed I *bought* (yes, bought) a huge, pure white, jumbo jet. You a 747 or something. ??? It was totally an impulse buy. As soon as I did it, and couldn't get a refund, I came to my senses (no duh), realizing I had *nowhere* to park this monstrosity (like...what was I thinking of *doing* with it anyway...walking it like a dog??), and when H-dad found out,  he was going to have a COW. Now this was a very vivid dream. I just remember in my dream being terrified that my poor husband was going to find out I did this horrible, embarrassing thing...and at that point in my dream, realized it *was* a dream as I would never be this stupid in real life, and if I wanted a decent nights sleep with a good dream I better wake up from this one. So I woke up, shook my head around in the dark to erase the visions of "Moby Dick The Airplane", and went back to sleep. Ugh.  Does Hooligan Weirdness have no limits??? Psychoanalyze THAT, why dontcha....

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