Sunday, June 7, 2009

May mayhem

So, as I related, Jury Duty took up about half of May. Really. After which, between getting the hooligans back on track mentally, and the house dug out a bit, Darryl was scheduled to make his appearance (hi Darryl!!) on the 21st. Which left me about a week. No problem. D arrived on schedule, and we did our annual trek to Disneyland, as well as a trek to CA Adventure. Arriving on a Thurs. gave us an extra day to play.

We had a thoroughly good time at the 2 parks, although it was tiring. We crashed at home on Sun. Darryl had come on Thurs, so Thurs night we went to see the Star Trek movie. Made all the hooligans cover/close eyes for the racy scene, but the rest of it was enjoyed by all. Great movie (minus the racy scene). Monday, Memorial Day, we usually - traditionally even - go up to Ruth and Robins for a picnic, but this particular day they were down at Ruth's sister's laying tile for her. We enjoyed lounging, I'll admit, and later went to see Night at the Museum 2. Sort of a lazy day. And, all good things eventually coming to an end, Darry flew back home Tues., *WITHOUT* leaving any important papers/ID in the van. Yay! H3 was depressed for 3 straight days after Darryl left.

Ben and new legos from Downtown Disney lego store... with my usual disclaimer: "please disregard any floor debris...I know it's there, and it will get vacuumed eventually. Like maybe August."

Here he is folks...H3 in full munchkin regalia! Actually this is the "run of the mill" munchkin costume. In 2 of the shows, he will be the "Mayor of the Munchkin city...", so will have a fancy hat, bright blue jacket, and important looking sash. I won't go into the amount of time that was consumed trying to the right kind of socks for all the hooligans. Yikes. You must admit, however...they are colorful, are they not? "Wizard" is winding down....only a few weeks left!

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